Disney Cruise - Part 1 (Days 1-4)
We just got back from a Disney Cruise with Jake's family to the Western Caribbean. Who knew that just the prep work for the trip would be a trip in and of itself. But once we got there we enjoying fantastic food, top notch entertainment, beautiful scenery and of course the best company one could ask for. The downside was having Sam get sick about 2 days into the trip but he was such a little trooper. For a baby who ended up having RSV, you wouldn't have known it from his smiles and contentedness throughout the days.
Day 1--Setting Sail
Day 2--Key West
This was our first port stop. Jake and I hopped off and marched ourselves right to the southern most point of the United States enjoying some key lime pie on a Stick on our way. Seriously tasty.
The highlight of the port was the butterfly and bird sanctuary. We walked in this green house where butterflies and birds were all around you. Legend has it that if a butterfly lands on you it brings you good luck. I hoped and hoped for one to land on me and Jake of course was just casual about the whole deal. Next thing we knew, Jake was being blessed with luck! Lucky guy.
Day 3--Day at Sea
After a day of sun and fun we headed up to Disney's fine dining restaurant, Palo. Our server from South Africa made us the best virgin drinks. This was a first time for a virgin martini...shaken not stirred of course! Then back to our state room where each night our beds were turned down, room tidied up and an animal friend made from towels.
Day 4--Grand Caymen
This was probably one of our favorite days. Majority of the family went to Boatswain adventure park which is a turtle farm. They are the only place in the Carribean that legally sells turtle meat. They have this farm to help save the dying turtles and sell the meat so natives won't poach it in the wild and further their extinction. We were able to hold and see turtles in all stages of life as well as swim in a lagoon with lizards and iguanas! The lifeguards there were pretty funny. The one pictured helped me catch this little lizard and promised it wouldn't bite me. Well, when I went to give it a kiss, it bit my lip which made me scream and throw it so it bit my finger, landed in my hair and finally made his way off my body with all of us laughing hysterically. This was also the day where Sam started to feel miserable and had green goo lining his eyes. Poor guy!
Day 1--Setting Sail
Day 2--Key West
This was our first port stop. Jake and I hopped off and marched ourselves right to the southern most point of the United States enjoying some key lime pie on a Stick on our way. Seriously tasty.
The highlight of the port was the butterfly and bird sanctuary. We walked in this green house where butterflies and birds were all around you. Legend has it that if a butterfly lands on you it brings you good luck. I hoped and hoped for one to land on me and Jake of course was just casual about the whole deal. Next thing we knew, Jake was being blessed with luck! Lucky guy.
Day 3--Day at Sea
After a day of sun and fun we headed up to Disney's fine dining restaurant, Palo. Our server from South Africa made us the best virgin drinks. This was a first time for a virgin martini...shaken not stirred of course! Then back to our state room where each night our beds were turned down, room tidied up and an animal friend made from towels.
Day 4--Grand Caymen
This was probably one of our favorite days. Majority of the family went to Boatswain adventure park which is a turtle farm. They are the only place in the Carribean that legally sells turtle meat. They have this farm to help save the dying turtles and sell the meat so natives won't poach it in the wild and further their extinction. We were able to hold and see turtles in all stages of life as well as swim in a lagoon with lizards and iguanas! The lifeguards there were pretty funny. The one pictured helped me catch this little lizard and promised it wouldn't bite me. Well, when I went to give it a kiss, it bit my lip which made me scream and throw it so it bit my finger, landed in my hair and finally made his way off my body with all of us laughing hysterically. This was also the day where Sam started to feel miserable and had green goo lining his eyes. Poor guy!